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We are committed , to serve our community and social connections, by working hand in hand with  our Registered Parent Mother Theresa Trust , under Indian Trust Act 1882, Est. 2013. Our main agenda is to give support to rural, societies that are facing inequalities and limited access to have a steady healthcare, education, food and shelter

''105 million tribal people, accounting for 9 percent of India’s population, are heavily marginalised and discriminated. Not only the tribal communities , socio-economically separated by the mainstream Indian populace,  also faces a  structural inequalities, with access to have the best healthcare and education. Rejected by the high societies of India''  



   Mother Theresa Charitable Trust


The tribal communities have poor health and restricted access to healthcare, there are still no comprehensive policies that meet this need, and no reliable data about the state of tribal health. Tribal healthcare in India usually falls within the rural healthcare. The assumption that the problems and needs of tribal people are the same as that of rural populations is incorrect; the difference in terrain, environment, social systems and culture, all lead to tribal communities having their unique set of healthcare needs. 

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